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Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : dim. 22 août 2021 09:40
par 7Tigers
Newt Newport via son nouveau site:
Well, my almost year of self-imposed exile since I ceased publishing Hearts in Glorantha/Gloranthan Adventures via D101 Games has ended.

I’m going to be publishing my Gloranthan Fan writings via Chaosium’s Jonstown Compendium, using an Arkat’s Playground imprint.

. A Dry Run in Prax. Synopsis, a group of Lunar soldiers trying to escape the wastes of Prax after the fall of Pavis and catch the last moon boat back to their homes in Tarsh. An adventure with six lunar pregens. This has been my go to RuneQuest Glorantha convention adventure for the last couple of years. I’m currently fleshing it out for publication.

. RuneMastered versions of Gloranthan Adventures 1 &2. Take these adventures and convert them either to 13th Age Glorantha (New Beginnings) and RuneQuest (Red Sun Rising)

. Defending the Dark, an all troll (+darkness worshipping human allies) adventure + mini-setting.

. Arkat’s Playground: Karia (part of the Eastern Wilds area in Ralios). This is the big one, my RuneQuest 3 campaign that ran for the best part of a decade, brought bang up to date for RuneQuest Glorantha
Par Dan Baker:


Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : jeu. 26 août 2021 10:39
par 7Tigers
Andrew Logan Montgomery propose une FAQ pour sa campagne The Company of the Dragon:
What is it?
Is it the sequel to Six Seasons in Sartar?
What exactly is inside?
Is it usable with Questworlds or 13th Age Glorantha?
Is it "canon?" PDF bundled with the book?
Two hardcovers???
https://andrewloganmontgomery.blogspot. ... ragon.html

Toujours concernant The Company of the Dragon, Andrew Logan Montgomery a proposé un épisode bonus sur son blog, avec d'autres à venir:
Aujourd'hui, puisque la campagne porte sur une bande de rebelles errants qui se cachent dans les collines, nous nous penchons sur les pratiques et les traditions des camps orlanthi.
https://andrewloganmontgomery.blogspot. ... -life.html

En rappel, The Company of the Dragon est disponible sur DTRPG:

Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : ven. 27 août 2021 09:08
par 7Tigers
Jonstown Compendium:
Valley of Plenty (1er des 5 livres de la campagne Jaldonkiller Saga pour HeroQuestWorlds) a été retiré de la vente et les suites annulées par les auteurs.

Drew Baker propose sa mega collection de 520 PJs prétirés et 2600 PNJ pour la Passe du Dragon:
QAD: Pimper's Block - The Complete Collection, $33 pour 2000 pages: ... Collection
Whether you need a drop in character, a group of NPC villagers or just stats for an encounter QAD: Pimper's Block has you covered. The Complete Collection contains all 10 volumes for the series covering all the homelands in RuneQuest Roleplaying In Glorantha and the five Praxian nomad tribes.

Each volume contains:

. Notes on the creation process
. How Cultures and Cults interact
. Notes on ransom and slavery
. Notes for the Homeland/Culture
. Cultural insights for each occupation
. Four detailed pregenerated characters for each occupation
.Twenty squad style pregenerated NPC’s essential stat blocks for each occupation

All narrated though the eyes of Takchawee and her adventuring party against the backdrop of Prax’s most notorious slave market, Pimper’s Block.
What’s in the package?

. Esrolia: 19 Occupations, 76 Detailed Characters, 380 NPC Squad Characters
. Grazelands: 14 Occupations, 56 Detailed Characters, 280 NPC Squad Characters
. Lunar Tarsh: 19 Occupations, 76 Detailed Characters, 380 NPC Squad Characters
. Old Tarsh: 17 Occupations, 68 Detailed Characters, 340 NPC Squad Characters
. Prax Bison Tribe: 10 Occupations, 40 Detailed Characters, 200 NPC Squad Characters
. Prax Impala Tribe: 10 Occupations, 40 Detailed Characters, 200 NPC Squad Characters
. Prax High Llama Tribe: 10 Occupations, 40 Detailed Characters, 200 NPC Squad Characters
. Prax Pol-Joni Tribe: 11 Occupations, 44 Detailed Characters, 220 NPC Squad Characters
. Prax Sable Tribe: 11 Occupations, 44 Detailed Characters, 220 NPC Squad Characters
. Sartar: 20 Occupations, 80 Detailed Characters, 400 NPC Squad Characters

Overall that’s 3120 characters ready to use 520 detailed characters and 2600 NPC’s, literally a cast of thousands at your fingertips!

Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : sam. 28 août 2021 10:15
par 7Tigers
7Tigers a écrit : sam. 24 juil. 2021 11:14 Mini nouveauté sur le Jonstown Compendium:
Night in the Meadow, par Joel Kumpulainen, 15 pages pour $2: ... the-Meadow
A Night in the Meadows includes three encounters In RuneQuest role playing in Glorantha system. They are aimed for new gamemasters and players with 1-3 adventurers.
One of the adventurers should be an assistant shaman or an assistant priest.

All encounters start with a simple plot with troubles with cattle herding and ending up to meeting somewhat greater spirits of different origins: A Nymph, animal spirits and even a dragonic cult spirit.

These encounters could easily be tailored to fit any of your campaign or be a starting point for one.
Night in the Meadow est maintenant à $1, toujours pour 3 rencontres & PNJs autour de l'élevage de bétail, 15 pages: ... the-Meadow


Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : mer. 1 sept. 2021 10:11
par 7Tigers
The Jonstown Compendium:
The Bad Winds, par Austin Conrad, $1.25 pour 6 pages ... -Bad-Winds
Monster of the Month — Volume 2, Issue 8 — August 2021
What’s the worst that can happen when you fumble the spell Summon Cult Spirit?

This issue of MOTM answers that question with a species of Orlanth's disease-riddled relatives.
The Bad Winds are umbroli deceived and corrupted by the goddess of disease, Mallia.
They wield her magic to bully mortals across Glorantha into "loving" them with propitiatory sacrifices.

Inside, you'll find:

. A description of the Bad Winds
. A short spirit cult illustrating how shamans of Kolat protect communities
. Narrative advice for gamemasters using Bad Winds in their adventures
. A short myth to inspire your own heroquesting, "Kolat Vanquishes the Bad Winds"

Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : jeu. 2 sept. 2021 10:53
par 7Tigers
Annoncés pour le mois prochain dans The Jonstown Compendium:

. Black Spear, par Nick Brooke (texte) et Mike O'Connor (illustrations), une mini-campagne (170 pages environ) en 7 scénarios se déroulant au printemps 1627 (après la mort de Kallyr Front-étoilé mais avant le retour d'Argrath à Sartar), au service de la Reine Leika (tribu Colymar)


. Holiday Dorastor: The Seven Hills, par Simon Phipp & Leon Kirshtein.
Entre autres:
Rising above the Hellwood, the Seven Hills provide a refuge for chaos and non-chaos alike.
Seven Hills has what is known as the upside-down tower.
This tower is located partially in the mundane world and partially somewhere else.
It is guarded by Arkati guardians and if you get by them, Nysalor's defenses.
There is a theme of Light vs. Darkness.

Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : ven. 3 sept. 2021 11:39
par 7Tigers
Ian Cooper prépare un nouveau scénario QuestWorlds Glorantha pour ses participations à des conventions: A Ship Called Dignity.
Beached on Three Spire Island along the South Coast of Maniria, for essential repairs, the crew of the Dignity find that the island - forbidden to humans by the mermen - is not uninhabited.


Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : jeu. 9 sept. 2021 09:50
par 7Tigers
Nouveau bonus de The Company of the Dragon par Andrew Logan Montgomery:
Glorantha, Meaning, and Mythology
Elmal and Yelmalio, Vinga and Orlanth, Grandfather Mortal and Murharzarm. YGWV, but what's your notion of "mythology?"
Another essay that got cut from "The Company of the Dragon" for your amusement.
In short, to cultivate a more Gloranthan sense of mythology, try these mental adjustments:
. Stop asking who the god is, ask what the god means.
. Stop looking at the god as an individual in the sense that you are or your friend is.
. Stop looking at myth as history.
. Stop looking at myth as a single explanation.
C'est ici:
https://andrewloganmontgomery.blogspot. ... ology.html

Et sa nouvelle mini-campagne The Last Riddle est toujours prévue d'ici fin octobre.

Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : ven. 10 sept. 2021 09:40
par 7Tigers
La lecture de Glorantha, Meaning, and Mythology de ALM est fortement recommandée.
Pour une fois, Google Translate ne se débrouille pas trop mal pour la VF: ... ology.html

Re: Créations non officielles

Posté : lun. 13 sept. 2021 09:21
par 7Tigers
L'illustration de Nasaka par Dan Barker a inspiré Newt Newport pour une aventure à venir pour le Jonstown Compendium:

The Pitch
Pavis 1625, the start of the Hero Wars
Prince Argarath of Sartar is victorious and has liberated the city from the hated Lunar occupiers. In the confusing aftermath of the fall of Pavis, your friend Trevla “Red” Jedsun has gone missing.

Red has been on many expeditions into the Big Rubble and the Wastes of Prax, which is where your group knows her. In Gimpy’s tavern, the rumour is that she’s split town and is heading for a set of ruins known as the “Chaos Zoo”. Why anyone would want to go to a place named after the hideous monstrous force that is the foe of every right-thinking person in Glorantha is a mystery to you. It must be a great treasure. Best find Red and get in on the take.
Design Notes
This is a simple adventure, with multiple twists, in three acts, that is suitable for Gloranthan novices and veterans alike.

Although it’s written for a group of adventurers based in Pavis at the end of the Lunar Occupation, it can be run with modifications anywhere in Glorantha where there’s a settlement near wilderness with a certain amount of chaos threat.

Pour fin septembre également, John Lawson propose, en utilisant l'illustration de morts vivants déjà postée:
Planning a trip to the Smoking Ruins? Don't go without a guide! The Smoking Ruins: Secrets of Korolstead is 250 pages of smokey, ruinous goodness and will be available on Jonstown Compendium soon.

This book includes:
. Story seeds to justify a visit to the Smoking Ruin
. Complete, wall-to-wall maps of the entire Ruin, including 44 full-color maps of over 20 unique locations
. Two new short scenarios to challenge players
. Two new factions to keep Vamargic and the players on their toes
. New friends, foes, and rogues to help or hinder the adventurers
. Five new minor cult descriptions
. New magic items
. New creatures, flora, and races
. Random encounter tables for all parts of the Ruin
. GM’s tools for generating loot, weapons, armor, medicine, and just about anything else you might find in a ruined city

This supplement is compatible with Chaosium’s Runequest: The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories. Its contents is playable with expeditions before, during, or after running the official adventure.
