News de la VO

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Modérateurs : 7Tigers, deBorn, kristoff

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Messages : 4725
Enregistré le : mar. 29 janv. 2019 17:51

Re: News de la VO

Message par 7Tigers »

Comme indiqué page précédente, Andrey Fetisov a réalisé 2 des 4 couvertures des livrets du Starter Set.
Il n'était pas forcément disponible pour illustrer 7 nouveaux personnages, l'objectif devant être d'avoir une unité graphique pour les 14 prégens.

Rick Meints:
Une version mise à jour côté règles du livret d'introduction (quickstart de 2018) est en cours de rédaction.
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Enregistré le : dim. 31 mars 2019 22:52

Re: News de la VO

Message par Jakaboom »

J'ai pollué ce fil avec ma remarque. Je ne recommencerais plus, ça fait bien trop de messages sur la base d'un avis personnel. Pour tout dire, je pensais avoir effacé mon dernier message mais visiblement j'ai dû cliquer. Bon Glorantha.
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Messages : 4725
Enregistré le : mar. 29 janv. 2019 17:51

Re: News de la VO

Message par 7Tigers »

Version de travail des Monts Quivin pour la Sartar Homeland Box, par Matt Ryan:

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Enregistré le : mar. 29 janv. 2019 17:51

Re: News de la VO

Message par 7Tigers »

Bienvenue à Jonville! avec le Starter Set:


What is Jonstown?

JEFF RICHARD: Your adventures in the RuneQuest Starter Set are centered around the city of Jonstown, a small city in Northern Sartar, famous for its Jonstown Library and Healer Temple, as well as an important place of trade. Jonstown is along the road between Sartar and the Lunar Empire, a place where unusual people may be encountered - in short, a great place to start adventures!

Jonstown is the political, market, religious, and military center of a confederation of several tribes, making it of regional importance. Until just before the start of the game, it had been occupied by the enemy Lunar Empire. It has just been liberated by the new Prince of Sartar, who placed her right-hand man in charge of the city. So now there's all sorts of intrigue and political rivalry, combined with the ever-present threat of the Lunar Empire returning. This is a place filled with conflict and tension – making it perfect for adventurers.

With about 2500 residents, Jonstown is big enough to hold surprises, but small enough for the Gamemaster to manage it. We have a 30 page guide to Jonstown in the book, which includes an overview of the city, descriptive guide to the various neighborhoods, NPC stats for all the major movers and shakers, a digest of various townsfolk, and even a city encounter guide.

Why Jonstown?

I've always loved City Guides - Midkemia's Carse, Monte Cook's Ptolus, White Wolf's Chicago By Night, Chaosium’s Sanctuary, and of course, Chaosium's own Pavis. In our RPG campaigns we love having a "home base" - a place where our adventurers can buy stuff, regain Rune Points, and do cult activities, but which is also filled with danger and adventure, both within the city walls and without. Now Jonstown has been part of Glorantha since the days of White Bear & Red Moon - that's even before RuneQuest was created. So early on we decided rather than base the Starter Set on Apple Lane (which already has a complete writeup in the RQ Gamemaster's Pack), we'd center the Starter Set on Jonstown.

Now Jonstown also gives us a great location to begin exploring the setting. It is a place of tension between the Orlanthi and the Lunars. It is on the royal road between the Lunar Empire and Sartar, so you get regular merchant caravans and travelers - so you can put whoever or whatever you want as a visitor. And it is quite close to the Colymar tribe (Apple Lane is only about 30 kilometers away), so you can easily move on from the Starter Set to the adventurers in the GM Pack if you so desire, and from there it is easy to jump into adventurers from The Smoking Ruin or the Pegasus Plateau.


Concernant les cartes:

Making the Jonstown Map

Olivier Sanfilippo, whose beautiful work you can see in the RuneQuest Core Rules, GM Screen Pack, and other RQG releases, worked with us to create a rich and beautiful map of Jonstown.

We started with a sketch from Greg:


From Greg's sketch, we worked out how many hectares the city covered and its population. I'm a big fan of imposing material restraints when developing a setting - how big is this place (and how does that compare to real world ancient cities)? How many people could live in a place of that size – again based on real world ancient cities? How do people live, eat, protect themselves, and so on. In short, how does this city WORK?

From there we sketched out its quarters, streets and markets, even temples.




Olivier took these crude sketches and made them beautiful! Here's the result, which we're delighted with:


We then broke this map into neighborhoods, so you could get the effect of a City Travel Guide:


The Hinterland

But of course a city needs a surrounding hinterland to function – people to grow food, raise livestock, and so on. In Sartar, the cities are confederated with rural tribes; really petty kingdoms with their own history and politics, and rivalries. So I sketched out Northern Sartar and worked on the tribal boundaries to make sure it all worked together.


Earlier this year we were fortunate to have acclaimed mapmaker Matt Ryan joined us as Chaosium's in-house cartographer. Matt had already been working with me on an amazing master map of Dragon Pass, so we zoomed in on the area around Jonstown and filled it with details:


Some Unique Things About Jonstown

1. The Jonstown Library

In the RuneQuest Companion, the "Jonstown Compendium" served as a writer's device where snippets of lore created by Greg Stafford could be published without any accompanying "game information" - so little myths, kings lists, anecdotes etc. And with that the Jonstown Library was born – a sprawling temple-library to Lhankor Mhy built by the son of Sartar, with over 10,000 scrolls within.

I love the idea of this library being a great repository of knowledge in what is a largely illiterate rural society. Like Name of the Rose or Anathem or the Library of Babel, the idea of a great library filled with secrets greatly appeals to my sense of fantasy.

*And of course on the basis it too is a wonderous assortment of Gloranthan treasure, we've named our community content program at DriveThruRPG as the Jonstown Compendium.

2. A place where tribes and city meet

Jonstown is where a half-dozen tribes meet to trade, worship the Orlanthi gods, and resolve disputes. Not all of them do so anymore – a pro-Lunar tribe seceded from the confederation, and the Telmori werewolves have turned their back on the tribes that hate them. But it is still an assembly place of many tribal groups.

Jonstown is also a place of merchants, crafters, healers, thieves, and scribes. You might have a session where the players need to discover lost lore from the Second Age, only to follow up with a monster terrorizing local farms. The scenarios in the Starter Set include a good cross-section of these to get things started, and the location of Jonstown makes it easy to continue from there.

This means there are lots of cults active in Jonstown and plenty of temples, even if you worship comparatively minor deities like Chalana Arroy, Yelmalio. Or even the Seven Mothers!

3. Baths!

In addition to libraries, crafters, and all that good stuff, there are also public baths in Jonstown! The largest of them is part of the Chalana Arroy temple complex: go to the bath, get your healing – clean body, healthy body! The players in my campaign make a beeline for the Chalana Arroy temple and its baths every time they come to Jonstown.

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Enregistré le : mar. 29 janv. 2019 17:51

Re: News de la VO

Message par 7Tigers »

Eric Vanel est l'heureux acquéreur de 3 pièces d'Agathe Pitié pour Cults of Glorantha:

Panthéon du Feu:


Panthéon des Ténèbres:


Panthéon de la Terre:

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Messages : 4725
Enregistré le : mar. 29 janv. 2019 17:51

Re: News de la VO

Message par 7Tigers »

Skull Dixon propose quelques pistes pour masteriser la 1ère aventure du Kit de la meneuse: 'Le Sentier de la Pomme attaqué!' ... nding.html
VF via google translate si besoin: ... nding.html

Critique détaillée de The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories par Pookie (et bientôt en VF): ... seven.html
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Enregistré le : mar. 29 janv. 2019 17:51

Re: News de la VO

Message par 7Tigers »

Boldhome: work in progress pour la Sartar Homeland Box, par Jeff Richard et Matt Ryan

Note the Pockets - those houses actually go fairly deep into the rock behind them.

Thanks to the dwarfs, Boldhome has running water, and access to hot springs. It is probably the least stinky large human city in Glorantha!

And as it is the political, religious, and commercial centre of the kingdom, a large percentage of the population has been there. The other cities try to copy its style, which in turn gets copied by some of the tribal settlements.

Sartar has a population of about 170,000. 10,000 of those people live in Boldhome. Another 15,000 live in the other urban areas.

The Sartarites do make a difference between City and Town, and I suspect the word city and town are not interchangeable.


Towns are substantial settlements with populations greater than villages or hill forts but smaller than cities.
Some were originally hill forts that have grown into market and religious centers.
The population of a town is between 300-1500 people, most of whom farm, but also includes skilled crafters and other specialists, professional warriors, and other retainers.

Towns are surrounded by walls, usually made of stone.
Clearwine Fort, is a town built within the cyclopean stone walls of an ancient hill fort.
Buildings within the towns are usually of stone, mud brick (adobe), wood, or a combination of these materials.

A town includes major temples to Orlanth and Ernalda, and sometimes a minor temple to another tribal deity or Lightbringer.
Towns have several shrines to other gods or spirits.

Towns have a weekly market where the local peddlers get together to sell to customers and to buy from merchants from the cities.


In 1476 Sartar made the first of his more subtle changes on the land when he settled a war wherein the southern Kultain and Locaem tribes were driving out the Balmyr and Sambarri tribes from their ancient lands.
Out of such destruction Sartar forged the foundation of the first of his five cities, and began changing the peoples to make a great nation.
Each city is the “shared space” of a union of tribes, and serves as a primary market and religious center.
Other groups or tribes may also have a share in the city but have less say over how the city is operated.
Although Orlanth and Ernalda have temples in each city, minor deities and even foreign deities have temples and shrines.
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Messages : 4725
Enregistré le : mar. 29 janv. 2019 17:51

Re: News de la VO

Message par 7Tigers »

Rick Meints:
Starter Set Proofs have arrived!
FedEx delivered two boxes an hour or so ago. Please note that some of these items are the final printed versions, like the box itself, while others are printed on simpler paper, sometimes untrimmed with color matching swatches on the edges, and sometimes they have printer proof comments written on them. Everything is looking lovely and of high quality. The set will weigh over 3lbs. 8 oz. (about 1.5 kg). Please, no "what's with the weird white border" comments. That's what "untrimmed" means...

2 double-sided maps included (Sartar/Jonstown and Rainbow Mounds labelled/blank):


Strike Rank tracker:


From Glorantha intro:

Note: Les habitués auront repéré le style de Katrin Dirim!

Zoom sur le contenu:

Messages : 328
Enregistré le : dim. 31 mars 2019 22:52

Re: News de la VO

Message par Jakaboom »

Je ne sais pas si j'arriverai à attendre la version française. J'ai le troll pack VO et VF je sens que ça fera pareil avec cette boite. Mais je vais essayer de tenir ! ;) :D
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Enregistré le : dim. 31 mars 2019 22:52

Re: News de la VO

Message par Jakaboom »

Par contre mal joué sur le red book, je pensais qu'il ne serait pas traduit par le studio.